Based on the animated television series: Star Wars rebels. Based on episodes 'Spark of rebellion' by Simon Kinberg, 'Droids in distress' by Greg Weisman, and 'Rise of the old masters' by Henry Gilroy A Star Wars saga chapter book (cover) Summary:The heroes of Star Wars Rebels are back with more action-packed adventures! Follow them on their journey to save Wookiees as they narrowly escape a terrible Imperial trap. They also meet beloved droids R2-D2 and C-3PO-who are on a mysterious mission to help the Empire! Chopper proves that even a clunky old droid can play a big role in saving the galaxy. But one mission leads to the next for our rebel heroes, and they must ultimately face their biggest enemy yet-the Inquisitor! Star Wars rebels (Television program) Star wars Rebels 2additional notes
written by Michael Kogge